The term “Thermistor” is derived from the description, “Thermally Sensitive Resistor”. NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient) thermistors are devices that display a decrease in resistance with an increase in temperature. Thermistors are ceramic semiconductors and consist mostly of oxidized metal. During the manufacturing process this metal is sintered at high temperatures. Thermistor characteristics, resistance values and form factors are determined by the production process and the sensor dimensions. NTC thermistors are commonly used as temperature sensors for a wide range of applications requiring temperature measurement and temperature compensation.
SEMITEC’S thermistors are fully compliant with RoHS DIRECTIVE2011/65/EU.
Please contact us for information on compliance with RoHS for thermistor probe assemblies.
고내열 시리즈
GT THERMISTOR는 유리 코팅을 하여 내열성, 응답성이 뛰어난 고감도 THERMISTOR이다.
용도 :계측기기, 제어기기, 급탕기, 주방기기, 비데, LCD, 온도계, 자동차, 농업용기기
CT THERMISTOR는 유리 코팅을 채용해 신뢰성이 뛰어난 고내열, AXIAL THERMISTOR이다.
용도 :HE기기, 냉온방기기, 급탕기, 주방기기, 태양열시스템, 자동판매기, 냉동 쇼케이스
BT THERMISTOR는 비드 소자를 유리 코팅한 소형 타입으로 고내열성, 고신뢰성을 가진THERMISTOR이다.
용도 : OA기기, 계측기기, HE기기, 의료기기, 농업용기기